Logan is an incredible 10-year-old who loves music, video games, and watching his favourite superhero movies. When Logan was 7 years old, his parents noticed some concerning bruises prompting them to take him to the hospital. Doctors initially suspected that he had leukemia but after a series of tests, including a bone marrow biopsy, it was discovered that Logan has a rare genetic condition. The next few years of Logan’s life were consumed with chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant, and many weeks spent in the hospital. Through it all he remained positive.

Shortly before reaching six months of age, Logan received a diagnosis of unilateral retinoblastoma, a rare cancer that forms in the eye. While he is now cancer-free, Logan navigates life with a prosthetic left eye. Remarkably, he faces no obstacles, embracing life with resilience and determination.
Logan and his family had quite the journey navigating through the complexities of his life-altering illness, and his wish to go a theme park in Florida was exactly what they needed. While in the Sunshine State, Logan was able to enjoy moments with his siblings and parents, relishing simple pleasures like thrilling rides. When his mom, Taline, asked him what his favourite part of his wish was, his response remained consistent: “spending time with my family.” Logan’s wish was much more than a trip.

Landon is ten years old and can often be found learning new ways to play his favourite video games, building LEGO®, or otherwise letting his creativity flow. When he was two years old, he was diagnosed with a heart condition that would eventually lead to heart failure. He bravely endured a year long wait for a heart transplant. Since receiving his new heart Landon has been able to play, run, and feel like a ‘normal’ kid again. He attends regular checkups, monthly bloodwork, and continues to take anti-rejection medications to keep his heart in good health.